Over Ons
Onze missie
Over heel de wereld organiseren, ondersteunen en begeleiden wij maatschappelijke sportprojecten. We maken hierbij gebruik van de kracht van sport om:
- talent van kinderen te benutten
- sociale vaardigheden te ontwikkelen
- gezondheid te verbeteren
- maatschappelijke problemen bespreekbaar te maken
- (inter)culturele communicatie op gang te brengen
- sociale cohesie in wijken te bevorderen
Sport is bij Stichting United Through Sport niet het einddoel, maar een middel om de ontwikkeling van kinderen te stimuleren. En dit doen we met succes! Jaarlijks bieden wij meer dan duizend kinderen wekelijks diverse sportlessen aan. Bovendien biedt de stichting financiële steun en academische begeleiding om de dromen van nieuwe generaties kinderen te verwezenlijken. Zie hiernaast het piramidemodel dat Stichting Untied Through Sport internationaal hanteert om kwetsbare jeugd op een verantwoorde wijze te ondersteunen en te begeleiden op weg naar een betere toekomst.
PLAY... supporting access to sport for all.
We believe every man, woman and child has the right to play sport. Sport has the ability not only to promote fitness, self-esteem and fair play, but also to deliver opportunity, choice and hope. However, for many living in poverty or isolation, access to sport is a privilege not a right. We provide access to sport and play-based activities for disadvantaged communities by providing the essentials they need to get started. We sponsor talented athletes to attend Schools of Sporting Excellence and train dedicated community coaches. We provide the sports equipment, facilities and training kids need so that anyone, no matter what their ability, can enjoy the benefits of sport and play.
TACKLE... combating social, health and educational issues through sport.
Sport is an effective means of bringing people together to tackle important life issues and bring about lasting change. We use the power of sport to bring people together to discuss and tackle the wider social, economic and cultural challenges such as poor education and training, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and gender inequality. From delivering life skills and HIV awareness training to schools and increasing the involvement of women in community sports to providing top level educational opportunities, we work hard to tackle the barriers of development to improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people and bring about real and lasting change.
UNITE... building relationships through sport.
Sport is a universal language. It unites individuals, groups and nations to work towards a common goal. We use sport to unite communities both locally and internationally to share their passion for sport, promote mutual respect and to develop a greater understanding of one another to help tackle inequality at both the local and international level. From international sporting events to local tournaments, we support projects that bring together disadvantaged groups with the wider community to reduce isolation, break down barriers and create a network of support for those at the margins of society. Together we can achieve more. Together we can tackle inequality. Together we can play!