Entries by UTS GB

Marathon completed in 35 degree hit

There are a few things on this planet that most sensible people would never contemplate doing. However, for a minute group of others, the challenge of pushing yourself mentally and physically to the limit, seems well worth the effort. Take the Petra Desert Marathon, a challenging adventure marathon set in the beautiful desert region of […]

10 Years of Progress

We are celebrating a decade of work in South Africa. Our first operation began ten years ago in Port Elizabeth. In that time we have established a great network of schools in which to use sport as a tool for development. We have permanently changed lives for the better in the impoverished areas in which […]

Our Coaches Save the Day in St Lucia

Our Volunteer coaches gave up their weekend to aid an inter-church tournament on their local playing field and ended up competing and eventually winning it! When the inaugural St. Lucia inter-church 7 a-side tournament hit a few major snags, minutes before its scheduled start, the United Through Sport house was their first point of call. […]

Park Pereyra Hockey Project a Success

March marked the beginning of the United Through Sport Girls Community Hockey Project in Park Pereyra, Buenos Aires. Since the project began, the number of participants has increased almost by the session. After the first couple of weeks, we were a little nervous about the low numbers of girls participating, but we needn’t have worried. Those girls […]

BIBA South Wales Regional Golf Day

United Through Sport recently became the nominated charity of the South Wales British Insurance Broker’s Association (BIBA), nominated by Chairman Sue Davidge. BIBA is an intermediary organisation representing the interests of Insurance Brokers and is the largest of it’s kind in the UK. April 17th marked the region’s first Golf Day which included thirteen teams from […]